Work Experience


Software Engineer in Test @TrendMicro

軟體測試工程師 @趨勢科技

MAR 2016 - Present 2016 年 3 月 - 現在

Automation tests in Trend Micro Control Manager (Owner & Peer)
- Used Selenium with Python to automate exists test cases.
- Promoted Robot Framework as a new test framework.
Build Verification Tests System (Owner)
- Managed and ran tests automatically under Jenkins.
- Introduced Git as VCS to maintain testing code.
- Refactored architecture and improved performance.

Software Engineer @CyberLink

軟體工程師 @訊連科技

SEP 2015 - MAR 2016 2015 年 9 月 - 2016 年 3 月

Muxer & Demuxer engine (Peer)
- Improved MKV and AVI header parser.
U Webinar (Peer)
- Developed application GUI, integrated video editting library into front-end.

Intern @ADLINK Technology

實習 @凌華科技

JUN 2013 - JUN 2014 2013 年 6 月 - 2014 年 6 月

Korat - An O.S.-independent Capture/Replay Test Automation System (Owner)
- Took responsibility for architecture design and task scheduling.
- Implemented USB HID devices and COM communication based on embedded C.
- Constructed a test oracle verifying mechanism based on Open CV.

Intern @NEXCOM International

實習 @新漢電腦

JUL 2011 - AUG 2011 2011 年 7 月 - 2011 年 8 月

In charge of the testing of Industrial PC controlling system. Working as a QA engineer.



Master's degree, Software Engineering @National Central University

資訊工程暨軟體工程碩士 @國立中央大學

SEP 2012 - AUG 2014 2012 年 9 月 - 2014 年 8 月

Korat: An O.S.-independent Capture/Replay Test Automation System
Open Source Contribution: ToS_Bot: An Android-based auto-battle bot for Tower of Savior (神魔之塔)

Korat: 不相依作業系統的錄製/播放測試自動化系統
開源貢獻:ToS_Bot: 基於 Android 的神魔之塔自動戰鬥外掛

Bachelor's degree, Computer Science @National Taipei University of Technology

資訊工程學士 @國立臺北科技大學

SEP 2009 - JUN 2012 2009 年 9 月 - 2012 年 6 月

Work Accomplishments


Trend Micro Control Manager @TrendMicro

Trend Micro Control Manager @趨勢科技

MAR 2016 - Present 2016 年 3 月 - 現在

Control Manager is a solution that provides business customers centrally manage their Trend Micro products. It is a client-side server, and provides a web console for central management. It supports viewing all the endpoints' status in a company, even cross continents, and contains multiple features to ensure precisely management, such as log collecting, sending notifications, and managing updates of servers under management.

See Project

Control Manager 是一個允許企業客戶集中化管理所有趨勢科技產品的平台。 它是一個客戶端擁有的 server,並提供網頁作為集中管理系統。 它可以讓客戶檢視公司內所有端點的狀態,大至跨國跨洲都可支援; 支援多項功能已確保精確管理所有端點,像是集中收集 log、寄送事件通知與管理子產品更新等。


U Webinar @CyberLink

U Webinar @訊連科技

SEP 2015 - MAR 2016 2015 年 9 月 - 2016 年 3 月

U Webinar is a broadcasting tool for presentation. It supports live presentation with camera, presentation recording and edit video slices.

See Project

U Webinar 是一個可以直播的簡報工具。 它允許簡報過程中使用 camera 進行直播,簡報過程可以錄製成影片,並有編輯影片的功能。


Korat @ADLink

Korat @凌華科技

JUN 2013 - JUN 2014 2013 年 6 月 - 2014 年 6 月

Korat is an C#-based O.S.-independent capture/replay test automation system. This project is originated from an industry-university cooperative research project between NCU and ADLINK, and it's already patented. In order to communicate with IPC motherboard, some embedded techniques were adopted.
Actually, at time of writing, the project is still ongoing, but since graduated from NCU, I'm not in charge of it anymore.

See Project

Korat 是一個使用 C# 開發、不依賴於作業系統的錄製/播放測試自動化系統。 這個專案是源自於國立中央大學與凌華科技的產學合作計畫,並且已取得專利。為了能順利控制工業電腦主機板,其中使用了一些嵌入式系統的技術。


Side Projects




MAR 2018 - 2018 年 3 月 -

Gecko is a web browser engine (developed as part of Firefox).
- Fix a Dev-tool bug that resulted in a WebGL debugging error. Changeset

See Project

Gecko 是一個瀏覽器引擎,被用在許多應用程式中,主要由 Mozilla 基金會與公司負責開發。 因為我朋友是前 Mozilla 員工,我有時會關注這個專案的近況。如果發現有辦法解的 issues,我會試著貢獻 patch,把問題解掉。




JUL 2016 - SEP 2016 2016 年 7 月 - 2016 年 9 月

This project was cooperated with LINE, developed for COSCUP 2016.
- Contructed by Flask, mainly used for broadcasting announcements.
- Allowed attendees to query session schedule, take photographs, play geocaching, and chat with it.
- Applied to analize the chat content from users.
- Used Intel Edison with a webcam to take photograghs for users.

See Project

這個專案是義務幫 COSCUP 2016 開發的 LINE 聊天機器人,過程中接受不少來自 LINE 公司的協助。 這個聊天機器人主要是用來全域放送大會公告的,此外還可以讓與會者查詢議程、藉由開發版照照片、玩大地遊戲與簡單的聊天。 聊天功能使用 實做自然語言處理 (NLP)。




AUG 2013 - OCT 2014 2013 年 8 月 - 2014 年 10 月

Tos_Bot is an Android-based auto-battle bot for Tower of Savior (神魔之塔). There are so much similar tools now, but in 2013.08, much tools worked in PC and forced users to play game in emulator. Even some tools worked in mobile device, they were charged. So we build it ourselves (自幹).
- Used pixel comparison to recognize the battle ground puzzle.
- Applied a brute force algorithm to find out the best way to solve the puzzle.
- Controlled Android touch devices to virtually touch the screen.

See Project

Tos_Bot 是一個可以跑在 Android 手機上的 神魔之塔自動戰鬥外掛。 現在已經有很多類似的工具了,但在 2013 年 8 月時,多數的工具只能執行在 PC 上,強迫玩家一定要在電腦上使用模擬器玩遊戲。 雖然有些工具已經可以在手機上執行,但都需付費,因此我們自幹了一個。


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